"Being Brielle" tells the story of a brave young professional dancer struggling to find her place in the world. Tempted by fast times and even faster money, Brielle discovers the only way to secure any sort of future for herself is to bring closure to a troubling and haunted past.
When Brie is dancing she is at peace. Dancing whole heartedly with free abandonment is her only escape. However, life forces her to face the hustle and bustle of the big city where she gets swallowed in chaos.
Brie temps under a ball-busting, high-powered boss, Bonnie McLevy, who belittles Brie's every dream. Brie is having an affair with Bonnie’s husband, Scott, who is also the co-owner of the company.
Brie loses Scott, her job and has stopped dancing, hiding her talent from the world.
With the help of her best friend, Sam, Brie is forced to face her fear and her past.
Directed by Lauren Patrice Nadler
Written by Renee Kay
Cinematographer - Jenn Page
Editor - David Andrew Friedman
Dancing Flames Production
Winged Warrior Entertainment
Renee Kay
Kim Hamilton
Raven Tryon
Matt Wimmers
Additional Cast:
Cherrae Stuart
Joanna Teris
Tomeka Sullivan
Ian Hamrick
Paula Page
Keirstyn Werth
1st AD- Elias Jimenes
2nd AD- Joanna Teris
1st AC- Edwin Perez
Script Supervisor- John Olvera
Sound- Noah Alexander
Camera Grip- Carrie Finklea
Hair & Makeup- Kat Fernandez
Costume Designer- Emei Sheppard
Still Photography: Joanna Teris